Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, By Tressica

You Guys: WHAT is the obsession with LOST? Ugh, all the skeezy guys I work with kept talking about it, and coming up to me and looking and their feet and saying "Hey Tressica, you excited for Lost tonight?" Uhm, NO?!?! Why would I be? That show is everything a televison show should NOT be: complicated, multi-layered, and BO-RING. Carl tried to get me to watch the first season and I practically had to take NOTES to keep track of what was going on. Finally, I just gave up. I'll stick to my Friends Dvds, thank you very much!

Also, today I got in trouble at work :-( :-( :-(. The lines were really busy today, and so I had to constantly put people on hold. So I thought "Now, Tressica, you know you were put on this earth to brighten people's day! What can you do to help these poor people on hold?". Our system is set up so that when customers are on hold, they are forced to listen to Pure Moods Music or something terrible. Once when I was calling in sick I had to listen to it, and it almost made me throw up. And I wasn't even sick to begin with! 

So ANYWAY, I just thought it would be nice to put on something a little more enjoyable. I mean, my boss is always going on and on about Client Relations, and improving the Client Experience. I think a lot of clients probably appreciated the playlist that I made, which was truly only the HIGHEST QUALITY Christian Rock. Ugh, what a hypocrite.

At least Carl made me feel better by talking about how it's refreshing to be with a good looking girlfriend. He sure knows how to cheer a girl up!!!



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