Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, by Tressica

Today was a pretty good day because the inauguration was on, which means everyone at work was in the conference room watching the swearing in and I could read the Not Safe For Work stuff on perezhilton.com without getting into trouble. 

And then after work I went to treat myself to a mani pedi, but annoyingly Phuong wasn't available, so Phuong had to do it instead, and she just never does as good of a job as Phuong, depite Phuong's somewhat surly demeanor. 

After my manicure, Carl came over to watch television. One thing that is so great about my relationship with Carl is that we totally support each other 100%. Like all night, Carl kept saying how I should go on American Idol, and I kept telling Carl he would be an AMAZING contestant on The Biggest Loser. I know that as long as we stick together, Carl and I can achieve all of our dreams.

Carl fell asleep on my couch while watching Get Smart (the old fashioned tv show, not the Anne Hathaway movie). It broke my heart to wake him up, but I knew what he would say if I left him there, ("Tressy, just tell me---did you take advantage? Am I...Am I compromised?") 

I woke Carl up and we shook hands goodbye and then I deep conditioned my hair and read Cosmo and now i'm ready for bed!

Pretty good day.



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